Newsletter 2

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Fourth partner meeting

On December 1, 2021, the 4th partnership meeting of the Access IT project took place, during which we discussed issues related to the preparation of film processing under Result 2, we discussed the guide, online platform and pilot plan under Resolution 3, and started a discussion on the Action Plan for Result 4 and summarized the issues related to the preparation of the annual evaluation report by an external expert.

Czwarte spotkanie partnerskie
Czwarte spotkanie partnerskie
Czwarte spotkanie partnerskie
Czwarte spotkanie partnerskie
Czwarte spotkanie partnerskie

Newsletter 1

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Third partnership meeting

On December 7, 2020, we held the 3rd Access IT project partnership meeting, during which we discussed the issues related to translating Result 1, familiarized ourselves with the topics of the scenarios for the Result 2 films, and started a discussion on the Result 3 Action Plan.

3 spotkanie partnerskie projektu Access IT
3 spotkanie partnerskie projektu Access IT
3 spotkanie partnerskie projektu Access IT

Panel discussion

On October 30, 2020, as part of the Access IT Erasmus + project, a panel discussion was held on: accessibility of tourism in rural and natural areas, especially for groups at risk of exclusion, including the disabled. Representatives of the Polish Association of the Deaf, Łódź Branch, Łódź Chamber of Tourism, Social Cooperative “FADO”, Masovian Regional Tourist Organization and the tourist blog: discussed the barriers to accessibility to tourist offers among groups of people with hearing, visual or physical disabilities, the impact of the pandemic Covid-19 for the tourism market in Poland and around the world, as well as examples of good practices for communication and reaching customers with special requirements.

The discussion was very fruitful and brought many practical observations and conclusions, also in terms of involving local authorities in activities related to innovative solutions in the field of tourism without borders.

The results of the discussions will soon be available on the project website in the form of a cross-sectional report on sustainable development of nature and rural areas in terms of creating a dedicated tourism industry throughout the project partnership.

dyskusja panelowa na temat: dostępności turystyki na obszarach wiejskich i naturalnych, szczególnie dla grup zagrożonych wykluczeniem, w tym niepełnosprawnych
dyskusja panelowa na temat: dostępności turystyki na obszarach wiejskich i naturalnych, szczególnie dla grup zagrożonych wykluczeniem, w tym niepełnosprawnych
dyskusja panelowa na temat: dostępności turystyki na obszarach wiejskich i naturalnych, szczególnie dla grup zagrożonych wykluczeniem, w tym niepełnosprawnych

The first partnership meeting

On January 22-23, 2020, the first partner meeting of the new ERASMUS + Access IT Project took place at the Social Academy of Sciences in Łódź. The project aims to improve the competences of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that dominate the European tourism sector by offering comprehensive training in, inter alia, accessible tourism, innovation and sustainable development of nature and rural areas. During the meeting, Partners from Spain, Bulgaria, Belgium, France and Italy discussed the main assumptions of the project and discussed the next steps to be taken during the implementation. We will keep you posted on the progress of the project!

pierwsze spotkanie partnerskie nowego Projektu ERASMUS + Access IT
pierwsze spotkanie partnerskie nowego Projektu ERASMUS + Access IT
pierwsze spotkanie partnerskie nowego Projektu ERASMUS + Access IT
pierwsze spotkanie partnerskie nowego Projektu ERASMUS + Access IT